The Liquid State of Mind

One of the properties of water that makes it so easy to store is its liquid state. It takes the shape of wherever you put it in. Be it glass, bottle, tank, and so on. Water adapts its shape as per its surroundings. We don’t realize how difficult would it be to store water if not for its liquid state. That’s just the nature of all the elements in the liquid state. Likewise, a human mind also adapts to its surroundings. Our mind is directly influenced by the people we interact with daily. It is our subconscious that slowly adopts our mind to our surroundings and before we know, we end up being a person we never thought you would be. For instance, a person surrounded by people addicted to bad things gets addicted to such things before he even realizes. Similarly, if you are surrounded by people who are dishonest and unfaithful, it’s only a matter of time before you end up being one too. You start justifying all the wrong things you do. Take a look at ...