The new beginning...

For most people, 2020 has not been a good year. The pandemic brought the fast-paced modern life to a complete standstill.  Billions of lives have been affected by this pandemic. Everybody lived in fear of what would lie ahead. A year that most would want to forget soon. 

However, things were different for me this year.  For me, it was a discovery of true love and the beginning of a beautiful relationship

A year of a new beginning.  

After a ride through the roller coaster, it's been a year since we are engaged to each other. Yet, it feels just like a month ago. A great start to the lifetime of togetherness.  

Before this, everyone one of my well-wishers was questioning as to when will I get married. Wherever I would go, this question used to follow me like a shadow. Used to make me wonder as to why this relationship of all is given such significance in life.  

I used to ask people about how their married life is. They used to tell me their tales of love and how their life had changed. Few of them were scary and a few even more. But, every once in a while I used to meet a couple who were just made for each other, who would look perfect together in life. It gave me something to look forward to and also gave me hope that life in a relationship can be as beautiful as dreams could be.

Now that I am married, I'd say that life really did surprise me. To have found someone who touches my soul is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Makes my life feel complete. 

Of course, most people would say that it is just the beginning so things would feel great and things will change as the relationship gets old. To them I say, treat the relationship as new even after years and things will remain the same.

While others say that the beauty of marriage is not always seen from the very beginning but rather as love grows and develops over time. With such a great beginning, I am eagerly waiting for what lies ahead.

For those who still wonder about getting married, to them I say find the right partner and life will be good beyond imagination. 


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