Motivation will get you started but....

I make new year resolutions every year. Most of us do. But, how many of us achieve them? Only a handful. Research shows that only 5% of people achieve their new year goals.  What about the rest? Well, it seems their motivation fades away with time.


This is not only in the case of new year resolution but, in our day-to-day life as well. A simple example is that many of us think of getting up early but when the alarm rings, we snooze it to the next day. Similarly, when we plan for losing some extra pounds, we start with a bang but, only very few keep going. We won’t think of doing it again until we get motivated.


There are two types of motivation. What we look outside is called extrinsic motivation. They are outside factors that influence us to do a task in order to fulfill our desire. It can be the desire for money, luxury things in life, family pressure, pressure from society, and many more. This type of motivation is good only for the short term. 


On the other hand, intrinsic motivation comes from within and is less influenced by external factors. It is personal and it can come from our beliefs or any event from our life in the past. This is the most powerful form of motivation.


But, let’s be honest. All of us lose our motivation that we started with at some point in time. It is natural.


When we start something new, we’re more energetic and interested. But, as motivation starts to fade with time, we find it difficult to keep going and end up giving it away because we don’t see the results as quickly as we imagined.


So how do we keep going?


Well, the answer is self-discipline.


Self-discipline is our ability to control our feelings and overcome our weaknesses. When we are self-disciplined, our mind will push us to do the task even when we lack motivation. Prepare a schedule and follow it. It may sound boring at first but, the study shows that people who follow schedule are happier than those who don’t because they have clear guidelines. There is no successful person who is not self-disciplined in what they achieve.


Wish you happiness and peace.


Don’t forget to share it if you liked it.


Until next time... Ciao...


  1. Very interestingly written.... I hope it does improvise many .. me as well ... it’s grate to see you write .. happy writing

  2. Taking a decision itself is half done.Because when one does that a lot of things to be sorted out are identified and sorted out .So even if you dont pursue it ,taking a deciosion is desirable.And of course, aftre that perseverenxe comes into play. Expect hurdles.But keep on moving


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