The Timeline

We millennials often hear people say that things should happen at the right time. One should get a job before 25 and marry before 30 and so on. As if like somebody has laid down a time table of events in our lives, one is forced to follow the same.


Why is so much stress is laid out on these timelines? They are not the physical development of our body to happen in time but mere social things.


These timelines have put most of us under stress. What happens if you get a job or start a business after 30? Well, if you are determined to achieve what you desire nothing can stop you from doing it. So is buying your first home or car or getting married at a later age. These things should happen whenever you are ready and not because they have to happen at a certain age. But that doesn't mean you sit and just wait for the right time to come. 


What is the right time you ask?


Well, it’s when you are ready. Let me tell you one thing here. It’s not that your mind will say you are ready or not. It's you who will have to think, evaluate, and come to a conclusion as to whether you are ready for it or not.


Of course, it is always better if good things happen early in life. You are very blessed if they do. Embrace it and value it. But if they don't, never lose your hope. Set your goals and work harder. There is no substitute for hard work.


More importantly, one should measure the success of their life as to how happy they lived and all the beautiful relationships they had in life. Not just by their bank balance or assets or position they achieve in life.


What is the point of having a big home when you don’t have your loved ones to live in with? What is the point of having a big car if you don’t have best friends to travel with? What is the point of having everything and being unhappy!

Lastly, it’s never too late. Start today, start now. 


Wish you happiness and peace.


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Until next time... Ciao...


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