Wherever Life Plants You, Bloom With Grace
A few days back I left my office at about 6 o'clock in the evening and I was heading towards the parking. On my way, I noticed a plant called Tacoma with beautiful yellow flowers. I immediately took out my phone and took the above picture. This plant with beautiful flowers was very pleasing to the eyes. This plant was not planted there on purpose. Yet somehow it managed to find enough soil, water, and nutrients to grow itself. What are the odds that it grows up in such a tiny gap between the concrete pavers and a brick wall? This plant immediately seeded a thought in my mind. We often complain in our lives about not being in a place we desire or not getting things we wish for. Some even grieve throughout their life failing to realize that the life they had could have been lived better had they focused on different things. You are feeling you are not where you want to be, you are supposed to be somewhere else. Say you could snap your finger and be wherever you wanted to ...